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Teachers of Nature are committed to working with you to create programs that meet your unique needs. 


We can customize science programs to complement any class and offer more in-depth lessons with experienced instructors from the field.  

Teachers of Nature instructors can add more educational experience to your course.


We offer highly personalized private and 1:1 learning experiences for all grades to include adults with curious minds.


Learn the science about animals and nature from experienced research scientists, trainers, and wildlife educators. 


Get creative with Teachers of Nature!

Our Science Instructors

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Michelle Price

Insects, dinosaurs, volcanoes, fossils, desert, reptiles and more!

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Dr. Allison Kaufman

Amphibian Life Cycles, Monotremes & Marsupials, biology tutoring and more!


Alyce Todd

What is Ecology, Coral Reef Connections and Sensational Sea Turtles, Flying Meat Eaters

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